More Bullshit from the Usual Suspects…

Here for your delectation is another example of the unrelenting assault on hard-pressed white people. In this blatant piece of propaganda, we are introduced to this poor, mixed-race girl who it seems has had her life thus far ruined by disproportionate numbers of white people (and white men in particular). She informs us that she’s a “shdudent” now and on the mend, but it wasn’t always like that. No, she had a rotten childhood thanks to her alcoholic white step father who sexually-abused her. For some unaccountable reason, the roles of her biological parents (white mother and black father in all mathematical probability) entirely escape mention (let alone culpability) in this heart-rending tale. No, the fact that her black father simply abandoned her and her coal-burning mother (obviously sans moral compass) then chose, from her own free will, to get involved with an alcoholic nonce is quietly brushed aside as it doesn’t fit in with the obligatory Cultural Marxist narrative.

But this is after all a tale of hope. Thanks to guilt-ridden, hand-wringing suckers like you and me she’s been given a place with the Centre Point charity where she’s safe and sound, surrounded by wholesome black women and children of various hues, whose hearts are brimming over with goodwill towards others despite the fact that they’ve all been implicitly shafted by old Whitey. And she’s training to be a midwife! Great choice of career, love; bringing more misery into a world dominated by white abusers. In due course she’ll no doubt get sprogged-up by a young black, wannabe rapper who’ll scarper before the resulting baby has even been born, leaving behind another unwanted child and confused single mother who’ll probably end up making exactly the same mistakes her own mother made. And we all know whose fault that will be, don’t we, kiddiewinks? Yup – who else but old Whitey! Still, this outcome will bring a smile to the faces of the Jews whose deliberate social engineering is really behind it all, so at least there’s one winner in this sorry saga. ‘Every cloud’ and all that.