Some Proposals for Democratic Reform

I’m going to make some proposals for what I believe to be a better, purer form of democracy, which strikes me as the only realistic alternative to the theoretical ideal of an all-wise, all-knowing ‘benign dictator’ who couldn’t possible hope to please everyone (not that even the highest forms of democracy can, of course). Even if such a noble-minded individual existed, the doctrine ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ could still see them one day turning into another Mao or Pol Pot. You may not agree with my suggested solutions, but you surely cannot disagree with my observations on what’s wrong with things as they currently stand in virtually all Western democracies (with the possible exception of Switzerland). The idea here is not so much to come up with a fully-fledged alternative, but rather to remind us all that there are other ways of doing things and that we must never accept that the current model of democracy is so perfect and mature as to be immutable and somehow beyond fundamental reform. We need much ‘out-of-the-box-thinking’ and what follows below is just one, small example of it. The most important thing is to get the debate started. Good luck in doing so, everyone!

Assuming one day sanity once again prevails – and I believe it will – we shall need to sit down and construct a new system of governance that learns and adapts from the mistakes of the past and ensures that cast iron protections are put in place to stop another cabal of psychopathic megalomaniacs from ever arising again. We need to incorporate the wisdom of the world’s most outstanding thinkers, historians, economists, political scientists and philosophers if we are to formulate a system inviolable to the machinations of parasites who would seek, yet again as they have throughout the whole of recorded history, to enslave us all. This is the typical end result when we place total trust in complete strangers: slavery. We expect others we entrust with power to be good natured and honest in their dealings with us, as we would be with them if the roles were reversed. This is the basic, fundamental mistake we make when trying to assess others’ fitness for public office. I shall return to this vital matter later in this essay as it is of the utmost importance and far too significant to simply brush aside.

The most important thing by far, as I see it, is that the concept of a permanent or semi-permanent ruling class be consigned to the dustbin of history. In the future, it will be preposterous to even contemplate the notion of politics as a career choice. We cannot have a situation where anyone, no matter how gifted or altruistic they may be, is permitted to sit for year upon year in a position in which they enjoy decision making power over others. All too frequently, a “few years in public service” (as it’s euphemistically termed) becomes a lifetime and if that were not bad enough, the offspring of such self-entitled individuals often seek to follow in the parent’s footsteps. The dire prospect of a political dynasty arising then raises its ugly head and if you want to know where that eventually leads, you have only to look at repressive, backward hell-holes like North Korea and Saudi Arabia. And every time another Bush or Clinton gets into the White House, the further we are headed down that ruinously dangerous road.

We need to completely re-examine our current model of democracy from the ground up. As things stand at present, whenever fresh elections are called, anyone can stand and claim to be in support of whatever fashionable, prevailing view they care to associate themselves with. There is thus very little to distinguish the genuine believer from the opportunist rogue. In fact the candidate who is most likely to prevail is the one that can most convincingly lie; the superficial charmer who can do underhand deals with the so-called ‘opinion formers’ (the media) to get himself portrayed in a favourable light. Under such circumstances, decent, honest, well-intentioned people who stand for election hoping to bring about positive change stand next to no chance. In fact the person by far best qualified to excel in politics under the present model is the specious, seemingly-agreeable scheming psychopath who will do whatever it takes to climb the greasy pole at any expense – and they don’t care who they have to betray and crush to get to the top.

As recently as 50 years ago, we typically only thought of psychopaths as violent, unhinged serial killers of the scary kind popularised in horror films. But this view is something of a myth. Only a very small proportion of psychopaths are violent killers. Let’s consider the clinical character traits of psychopaths as we now, much more clearly, understand them today:

Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Emotionally shallow
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Parasitic lifestyle

Now you can’t help but notice that many of the above ‘qualities’ are commonly found in the highly successful and ruthless politician! In fact not just politicians. You can find these people rising to the top in many walks of life: banks and large corporations chief among them. Their ability to calculate coldly and ruthlessly gets the job done! Okay, so they cause devastation to the people whose lives they ruin in the the wake of the heartless decisions they take, but to a psychopath, that’s no barrier at all to a sound night’s sleep. If you seriously think you can elect a person like this to work on your behalf, to fight your corner and do their best in your interests, you must be seriously deluded. It’s simply not going to happen. You are going to end up getting betrayed with a 100% certainty. The only question is how badly. And it’s not just individuals with this personality disorder that treat others as sub-humans. The same can equally be said for the devotees of many world religions. They likewise believe that if you’re not ‘one of them,’ then your life is at best dispensable and you deserve no more consideration than a farmyard animal. These kind of people urgently require removal from public affairs, too.

Our major weakness here is what the psychologists term the phenomenon of projection – and it’s application is invariably fatal when it comes to judging and selecting politicians to represent us. Projection occurs when we’re foolish enough to believe we can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and see life through their eyes. We then imagine our world-view being theirs, as if everyone felt and thought the same as we do. This is a catastrophic error when the person whose eyes we’re trying to see through is a psychopath. The normal person simply cannot get inside the heads of these people. Your decent, human values; how you personally perceive the world around you, how you believe in treating others as you would like to be treated, empathy for those in suffering etc., all that makes you human has absolutely zero resonance in the mind of a psychopath whose sole aim is exploiting others for his or her own self-advancement. Yet millions of ordinary people fall into this trap every time there’s another election. They make this same basic, fatal mistake over and over and over again. And then we grumble about broken election promises and how all politicians are glib liars and manipulators and how we won’t get fooled by them again. We switch from Labour to Tory to Labour to Tory to Labour to Tory in the insane expectation that it’ll be different next time. Well, it never will be without fundamental, ground-up reform.

One of the truest political axioms of all time is that those who seek power should never be allowed anywhere near it. The prospect of power over others attracts the wrong sort of people. Most of us healthy individuals have no interest whatsoever in exercising power over others, but sadly there are plenty of others that do – and politics is a powerful magnet for them. Consequently we must take all steps necessary to exclude such individuals from all avenues to public office. In future, a completely new and fresh approach to democracy must be adopted to ensure this criterion is satisfied. Let me make a proposal at this point. Instead of having a joker of little or no provenance popping up from nowhere promising us the world, how about we nominate well-known, long-established, decent individuals from our own communities to stand? People who have, over their lives, become regarded as sensible, level-headed, caring individuals who already devote time to helping others? How about ‘we the people’ pre-screen the quality individuals we know to be good people and only their names go forward onto the ballot? Of course, these people we would like to see represent us might simply be unable to do so. In such instances, we can perhaps apply the current rules for jury service exemption to see if they have legitimate reasons for being excused duty and in valid cases where, for instance, undue hardship might result, then it would not be right to press them.

In any case, their sacrifice should be a small one. We will not expect good people to have to sign up for terms of four or five years any more. That’s another unsatisfactory aspect of the existing system. The aim should be to keep this period of public service to 1 year or less. Rotating representatives regularly prevents them from becoming too comfortable and from forming unhealthy relationships with the corporate and banking worlds. Short periods of service also help maintain the vital ‘alignment of interests’ between the governors and the governed. A person who who is certain to be rejoining the real world in 12 months will be primarily motivated to make that world better for himself and as a result, everyone else. On the other hand a career politician who may well be in the job for life doesn’t give a hoot about conditions in the world outside their own little bubble because he or she is isolated from its harsh realities and will one day retire to a castle with a fat, inflation-proof pension they and their fellow parasites voted themselves as a perk of the job. This disparity in the diverse aims of rulers and ruled must be closed.

Another essential step in this quest for higher standards in public life will be the introduction of screening of all candidates for psychopathy. We already have a well proven methodology which involves the observation of how a test subject’s pupil diameter changes when presented with a rapid succession of visual stimuli and it’s high time we used it to weed out the self-servers attracted to power for all the wrong reasons. The single psychopath is bad enough, but these people have a knack for sniffing out others with the same sort of mindset and when they form networks to aid their mutual advancement up the chain of command they become especially dangerous to the rest of us and the peace of the world in particular, because they absolutely do not have the slightest care for all the lives they ruin in their obsessive quest for money and power. There is no one, no matter how evil, these people would not do a deal with if it benefits them. At the highest level, organised rings of psychopaths (far more than crazed individuals like Stalin or Hitler) start major wars and conflicts world-wide and have done for untold centuries. So everyone must be screened, even the philanthropic types we pre-approve for election, because you can never be too careful. A ‘belt and braces’ approach here is essential.

A couple of final suggestions:

1. External influences. Refuse to accept interference from any supranational authorities such as we do at present. That would mean no outsiders would be in a position to overrule the people we choose to govern us. So any international treaties would need to assert the principle that our parliament is the supreme law-making body in this country. If we continue to be subordinate to outside bodies like the UN, the WTO or the EU, then no amount of reform to the domestic democratic process is going to bring the slightest improvement.

2. He who blunders pays. As things currently stand, whenever a public authority or someone acting on behalf of same does something gravely wrong and actionable which subsequently results in a damages award against said authority, it’s the taxpayers who’re forced to pick up the bill for it. How can it be right that when someone in a position of authority abuses or misuses his/her power, some innocent third party (us, in other words) has to stump up for their incompetence and/or gross negligence? In future we must insist that public authorities carry insurance against such risks, so the cost of these blunders (which happen all too frequently and for which no one ever seems to accept any meaningful responsibility) will no longer be borne by the public. In this way, officials who screw up once too often will become uninsurable and consequently unemployable in a similar role – as is only right and proper; a self-correcting mechanism if you like.

3. Free speech reigns! We have seen the terrible damage done to Western society by the poisonous doctrine of Political Correctness (which is basically Cultural Marxism – a foreign ideology that doesn’t belong here). This must end. The people we elect to make our laws must be free to discuss issues that confront the country without being shouted down by extremist bigots and bullies who seem to think only their particular views should be heard. ALL views must be heard; honest debate alone will decide the merits of each. The suppression of open, unfettered debate is the enemy of Truth and it leads to poor, ill-informed decision-making, the flourishing of falsehoods, corruption of the public good and ultimately – as we are now seeing – tyranny.

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Decision Time II

Having lost faith in Internet-based solutions to the problem of ideas dissemination, I’ve had to consider various alternatives and I believe I’ve come up with a winner: pamphleteering. No, really! I can hear the Jews laughing already. But there’s much to be said for this old, tried and trusted method. Pamphleteering has a long and honorable tradition among the great contributors to political thought over the past few centuries. Not that I would have the audacity to compare myself with the likes of Thomas Payne or Samuel Adams, mind, but the fact remains that they blazed a trail and what they achieved remains an inspiration to lovers of freedom and true democracy to this day. Plus best of all, of course, is that the pamphleteer is dependent on the grace of no one in getting his message across. There are no gatekeepers, no censors, no editors, no moderators. The pamphleteer speaks directly to the reader the unconstrained content of his mind, unfettered by opposing forces who would, if they had their way, quickly deny him that voice.

Now I don’t plan on writing anything outrageously explosive, because there’s absolutely no need to. I can put my point of view over without breaking a single existing law. All I shall be doing is calling for a purer form of democracy and outlining how that might best be secured. And this is a subject that is entirely apolitical. I will not be concerning myself with trying to push any ‘extreme’ right-wing views down anyone’s throat. No one, upon reading one of my pamphlets, is going to be seized with the uncontrollable desire to punch me on the nose for my trouble. The only people that are sure to find the contents objectionable comprise that cabal of the usual suspects: the globalists, international bankers, heads of government plus the likes of Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet; the Clintons, the Bushes, the Blairs and such like. In short: the perma-parasite slavemaster class whose members will all go to hell when they pass on, anyway.

Now I’m not saying that one man can change the world just by handing out leaflets (not that I personally will be doing that, of course, I’ll have teams of people doing the donkey work for me – eastern Europeans probably, just to add a taste of delicious irony into the mix). No, it may be the case that no matter how hard one tries to wake up one’s fellows, they’ll simply be too engrossed with their own problems or too distracted to bring about any change by themselves. I hope this will not prove to be the case, but even if it does, I’m not discouraged, because I know the Universe is on our side. One important lesson I’ve learned in this life from all the observations I’ve ever made (and they have been very many) is that throughout history, cheats have never prospered for long. You can call it karma, you can say, “what goes around comes around,” followers of religion view it as God’s vengeance. I’m a secular individual so to me it’s just a mysterious, omnipotent Universal Law there’s no getting away from. And it’s way bigger than any of us – and all of them (these treasonous conspirators) put together.

Quite simply, one way or another, a black swan event will supervene to throw a spanner in the works of the globalists’ best laid plans. These lying, cheating thieves are going to come unstuck as a direct consequence of their own greed and megalomania. Depend on it. They wont go down without a fight, of course, but they WILL go down. Natural law will ensure they’ll never prevail – even if our assembled earthly efforts to combat them founder and fail. They may kid themselves they’ve found some devilish way to circumvent this force, whatever it is, but they haven’t. And when the long, slow and painful process of rebuilding what remains of the planet along more sane lines begins, I’d like to think that my legacy will be to have contributed some of the foundation stones to a new system of governance that will prove inviolable to cheats, opportunist usurpers and professional, dynastic parasites for ever more. It’s a grand goal alright, but an achievable one in my view. And certainly one worth striving for!

State ‘Education’ vs. the Individual

We all know educational standards are slipping and have been for decades. Whilst every new wave of school leavers is lauded as being the brightest yet, with ever increasing exam marks, the sad truth is that the exam grades are being manipulated to give that impression whereas in reality the children are being taught to progressively lower standards with every passing year. Every year, the Commies in our education system are actively seeking to drive standards lower with the eventual aim of ‘harmonising’ academic performances of state-funded schools world-wide. They really don’t like to see kids in Western countries doing one iota better than their contemporaries in 3rd world basket case countries like Mali and Chad (to take just two examples).

What I hadn’t realised, however, is quite how long this insidious dumbing-down has been going on. My own perceptions from popular culture told me that it has been a phenomenon that began in the mid 1960s and that prior to that era, academic standards had been maintained at rigorously high levels. But it seems I was wrong. We’re actually almost 120 years into this plan! That is the firm opinion of the lady featured in the above video clip and she ought to know, given her privileged position within the early 1980s Regan administration, tasked as she was back then with the education gig. It’s a fascinating insight into what the globalist scumbags were – and still are – up to. As we’ve long suspected, it’s not about education, but indoctrination – and they’re really going for it flat out.

One you’ve watched the above, by way of contrast and for a little light relief, the clip below on the very same subject is one of my favourites from the late & great George Carlin. This wonderful man, who by the age he was when he performed this, knew exactly what the score was and – God bless him – used his position as a well-known and much-loved popular entertainer as a platform from which to spread the word to the bovine masses about what was really being done to them through the public education system by their globalist masters. Courtesy of the various video archives, his work has survived him and thankfully lives on as a readily accessible testament for those who lack the patience and intellectual rigor to tackle the subject on a more formal basis. Enjoy!

The Biggest Stitch-Up Ever?


So Dave has now revealed his “demands” for Britain to remain in the EU. Seems a bit of a damp squib, doesn’t it? I mean, there’s not much there to crow about, even if he achieves agreement on all the points with no ground given. But there’s a good reason behind this lackluster list of objectives: the so-called “demands” have been previously approved with Frau Merkel in a meeting with Dave in London earlier this year. They’re both of common mind, so it was hardly difficult after all. Dave’s mission – as handed to him by his globalist controllers in the Bilderberg Group – is to deflect the attack from UKIP and keep Britain within Europe’s death embrace. Merkel, on the other hand, has been told – by the same foreign upstart usurpers – that the German population is still way too homogeneous and that she’d better get a bloody swift move on with the demographic churning since it’s running well behind schedule. They’re both up to their treacherous necks in service to their parasitic, kleptocrat, bankster backers.

So this prior agreement between them is for Dave to set out his feeble, limp-wristed, pre-agreed “demands” to Brussels with much fanfare via the Jew-controlled mainstream media and for the European heads of government (under Merkel’s boot heel) to draw sharp intakes of breath and look aghast at such clearly insurmountable obstacles which they will at the outset dismiss as impossible to overcome. Following this initial gloom and consternation there will be a lengthy period of “intense diplomatic activity” between Dave, his ministers and their counterparts in Europe which will probably drag on for months, during which many late night meetings will break up without resolution. There will be live blanket coverage of all the comings and goings as if the whole, elaborate charade actually meant anything. Finally, after one last exhaustive and exhausting overnight session, the protagonists will emerge bleary-eyed but relieved to announce that an accommodation has been reached and a package agreed that should prove acceptable to the British public.

They’ll make a thoroughly convincing job of it, too – they have to. It has to appear as if both sides have given their all to reach this momentous agreement and no quarter has been yielded on any major points or principles by either side. Thus, the “already-agreed agreement” will be set before us by the seemingly shattered participants and in view of all the time and effort that appeared to go into it, we owe it to these hard-working negotiators to give it our full backing – as not to do so would (in view of all the time and effort expended) be unforgivably rude, ungracious and ungrateful. And of course the BBC and the rest of the controlled and contrived ‘media’ will be spinning how crazy we’d be not to seal this great and hard-won deal by returning an emphatic “YES!” to it at the ballot box. It’ll amount to the biggest stitch-up since the 1975 Referendum on the then purported ‘Common Market.’ Please God this time we don’t fall for it again!

A Uniquely Selfish Bitch




You’ve probably seen pictures of this meddlesome woman before. She’s been on tabloid newspaper front pages and appeared on numerous TV shows in a flagrant attempt to bask in the glory of her supposedly altruistic endeavours abroad. She is nurse Pauline Cafferkey – and she’s a very ignorant, foolish and self-centred person indeed. She was one of a brigade of medics who went out to the stinking shit-holes of West Africa; to countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone in an attempt to extinguish the Ebola epidemic rife there at around the beginning of this year.

Though common sense and previous best practice guidance on such epidemics demanded strict quarantine procedures be observed for the areas affected, Ms. Cafferkey and her similarly thoughtless colleagues flew out to Africa with tons of NHS medical supplies to administer to the sick and dying. In so doing, she and her fellow glory-seekers put the collective well being of all of us at grave risk. She and her associates could at least have had the decency to remain outside of the UK until it could be satisfactorily established that she wasn’t bringing any pathological organisms back with them; have undergone some tried and trusted quarantine process as established precedent and common sense dictate, but no. For some strange reason that wasn’t deemed necessary. The predictable outcome was that Cafferkey imported virulent African pathogens into the UK where they could very easily have sparked a wider epidemic here, with potentially catastrophic consequences for all of us who wanted nothing to do with this infernal business.

The gung-ho manner in which this mercy mission was carried out was highly likely to end in tears – and so it has proved. Cafferkey has been carrying the latent pathogen around with her for the last 9 months with the predictable consequence that she suffered a relapse and became once again critically ill. A long, intensive (and expensive) course of treatment at an isolation hospital in London has reportedly finally turned her condition around; she’s recovering it seems – despite having now contracted meningitis as a result of the relapse and faces a very long and slow convalescence. A protracted convalescence intensive in terms of nursing care and medication which a hard-pressed NHS will struggle to find the resources to provide. And you and I will be paying the bill for her egotistical, grandiose gesture towards the turd world.

Once again, Ms. Cafferkey, you are a very selfish, ignorant and publicity-craving media whore and it would have been better for our health service and the poor, long-suffering tax payers of this country that have to prop it up if you had never gone into nursing in the first place.

More Bullshit from the Usual Suspects…

Here for your delectation is another example of the unrelenting assault on hard-pressed white people. In this blatant piece of propaganda, we are introduced to this poor, mixed-race girl who it seems has had her life thus far ruined by disproportionate numbers of white people (and white men in particular). She informs us that she’s a “shdudent” now and on the mend, but it wasn’t always like that. No, she had a rotten childhood thanks to her alcoholic white step father who sexually-abused her. For some unaccountable reason, the roles of her biological parents (white mother and black father in all mathematical probability) entirely escape mention (let alone culpability) in this heart-rending tale. No, the fact that her black father simply abandoned her and her coal-burning mother (obviously sans moral compass) then chose, from her own free will, to get involved with an alcoholic nonce is quietly brushed aside as it doesn’t fit in with the obligatory Cultural Marxist narrative.

But this is after all a tale of hope. Thanks to guilt-ridden, hand-wringing suckers like you and me she’s been given a place with the Centre Point charity where she’s safe and sound, surrounded by wholesome black women and children of various hues, whose hearts are brimming over with goodwill towards others despite the fact that they’ve all been implicitly shafted by old Whitey. And she’s training to be a midwife! Great choice of career, love; bringing more misery into a world dominated by white abusers. In due course she’ll no doubt get sprogged-up by a young black, wannabe rapper who’ll scarper before the resulting baby has even been born, leaving behind another unwanted child and confused single mother who’ll probably end up making exactly the same mistakes her own mother made. And we all know whose fault that will be, don’t we, kiddiewinks? Yup – who else but old Whitey! Still, this outcome will bring a smile to the faces of the Jews whose deliberate social engineering is really behind it all, so at least there’s one winner in this sorry saga. ‘Every cloud’ and all that.

Selling Shit as Sugar

This is the first example of blatant PR in favour of pushing the Globalist agenda that I can personally remember. It’s a Coca-Cola advert from around 1970 that got a huge amount of air-time on UK TV back in those seemingly innocent days. Check out all these shiny, happy-clappy, healthy young people all singing in unison. Isn’t it heart-warming? In fact it’s not only peddling a crap product that causes obesity, diabetes and rotten teeth, it’s also promoting the concept of world-wide harmony and unity. ‘What’s wrong with that?’ you may well ask. Well, nothing if it were merely as straightforward as it appears. But this isn’t. It was a thinly disguised attempt to indoctrinate young children and teenagers into the globalist way of thinking. It is nothing less than a sugar-coated portrayal of vile Cultural Marxism – essentially Communism with a smiley face.

How many people was Communism responsible for the death of? I’ve seen a figure of 100 million most frequently cited. Those people died directly as a result of the implementation of Communist dogma in their countries. Typically they were worked and/or starved to death under the likes of Stalin and Mao in Russia and China, or else butchered into early graves by mass-murdering psychopathic scumbags like Pol Pot in Cambodia. All those people died in the pursuit of a false dream: that following the doctrines of Jewish thinkers like Marx, Engels, Trotsky et al would secure for them a future of equality, security and cultural enrichment. But it was a cruel lie from the start. Someone sold them a phony vision of the future based on bullshit and wishful thinking. The kind of bullshit and wishful thinking conveyed by the lyrics in this Coke advert’s song. Evil often masquerades as good. Be ever watchful!

Apologies if watching this made you want to throw up! “Apple trees and honey bees” indeed! ROTFLMFAO!!