Decision Time II

Having lost faith in Internet-based solutions to the problem of ideas dissemination, I’ve had to consider various alternatives and I believe I’ve come up with a winner: pamphleteering. No, really! I can hear the Jews laughing already. But there’s much to be said for this old, tried and trusted method. Pamphleteering has a long and honorable tradition among the great contributors to political thought over the past few centuries. Not that I would have the audacity to compare myself with the likes of Thomas Payne or Samuel Adams, mind, but the fact remains that they blazed a trail and what they achieved remains an inspiration to lovers of freedom and true democracy to this day. Plus best of all, of course, is that the pamphleteer is dependent on the grace of no one in getting his message across. There are no gatekeepers, no censors, no editors, no moderators. The pamphleteer speaks directly to the reader the unconstrained content of his mind, unfettered by opposing forces who would, if they had their way, quickly deny him that voice.

Now I don’t plan on writing anything outrageously explosive, because there’s absolutely no need to. I can put my point of view over without breaking a single existing law. All I shall be doing is calling for a purer form of democracy and outlining how that might best be secured. And this is a subject that is entirely apolitical. I will not be concerning myself with trying to push any ‘extreme’ right-wing views down anyone’s throat. No one, upon reading one of my pamphlets, is going to be seized with the uncontrollable desire to punch me on the nose for my trouble. The only people that are sure to find the contents objectionable comprise that cabal of the usual suspects: the globalists, international bankers, heads of government plus the likes of Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet; the Clintons, the Bushes, the Blairs and such like. In short: the perma-parasite slavemaster class whose members will all go to hell when they pass on, anyway.

Now I’m not saying that one man can change the world just by handing out leaflets (not that I personally will be doing that, of course, I’ll have teams of people doing the donkey work for me – eastern Europeans probably, just to add a taste of delicious irony into the mix). No, it may be the case that no matter how hard one tries to wake up one’s fellows, they’ll simply be too engrossed with their own problems or too distracted to bring about any change by themselves. I hope this will not prove to be the case, but even if it does, I’m not discouraged, because I know the Universe is on our side. One important lesson I’ve learned in this life from all the observations I’ve ever made (and they have been very many) is that throughout history, cheats have never prospered for long. You can call it karma, you can say, “what goes around comes around,” followers of religion view it as God’s vengeance. I’m a secular individual so to me it’s just a mysterious, omnipotent Universal Law there’s no getting away from. And it’s way bigger than any of us – and all of them (these treasonous conspirators) put together.

Quite simply, one way or another, a black swan event will supervene to throw a spanner in the works of the globalists’ best laid plans. These lying, cheating thieves are going to come unstuck as a direct consequence of their own greed and megalomania. Depend on it. They wont go down without a fight, of course, but they WILL go down. Natural law will ensure they’ll never prevail – even if our assembled earthly efforts to combat them founder and fail. They may kid themselves they’ve found some devilish way to circumvent this force, whatever it is, but they haven’t. And when the long, slow and painful process of rebuilding what remains of the planet along more sane lines begins, I’d like to think that my legacy will be to have contributed some of the foundation stones to a new system of governance that will prove inviolable to cheats, opportunist usurpers and professional, dynastic parasites for ever more. It’s a grand goal alright, but an achievable one in my view. And certainly one worth striving for!

3 thoughts on “Decision Time II

  1. Think you’ve come to the wrong conclusion regarding the internet powermax900, don’t know how many visitors you get but the message is available world wide and into every home in the country, no other medium could offer that.You can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, they say, not that is until it is thirsty. Things aren’t getting a whole lot better, people may start waking up someday.


    • I’m not talking about dishing out a few dozen leaflets. I’m going into this on an industrial scale. I’ve already got 10,000 pamphlets ready to go out as soon as the proof reading’s been signed off. And that’s just for starters. I don’t trust the net any more, Neo!


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