A Uniquely Selfish Bitch




You’ve probably seen pictures of this meddlesome woman before. She’s been on tabloid newspaper front pages and appeared on numerous TV shows in a flagrant attempt to bask in the glory of her supposedly altruistic endeavours abroad. She is nurse Pauline Cafferkey – and she’s a very ignorant, foolish and self-centred person indeed. She was one of a brigade of medics who went out to the stinking shit-holes of West Africa; to countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone in an attempt to extinguish the Ebola epidemic rife there at around the beginning of this year.

Though common sense and previous best practice guidance on such epidemics demanded strict quarantine procedures be observed for the areas affected, Ms. Cafferkey and her similarly thoughtless colleagues flew out to Africa with tons of NHS medical supplies to administer to the sick and dying. In so doing, she and her fellow glory-seekers put the collective well being of all of us at grave risk. She and her associates could at least have had the decency to remain outside of the UK until it could be satisfactorily established that she wasn’t bringing any pathological organisms back with them; have undergone some tried and trusted quarantine process as established precedent and common sense dictate, but no. For some strange reason that wasn’t deemed necessary. The predictable outcome was that Cafferkey imported virulent African pathogens into the UK where they could very easily have sparked a wider epidemic here, with potentially catastrophic consequences for all of us who wanted nothing to do with this infernal business.

The gung-ho manner in which this mercy mission was carried out was highly likely to end in tears – and so it has proved. Cafferkey has been carrying the latent pathogen around with her for the last 9 months with the predictable consequence that she suffered a relapse and became once again critically ill. A long, intensive (and expensive) course of treatment at an isolation hospital in London has reportedly finally turned her condition around; she’s recovering it seems – despite having now contracted meningitis as a result of the relapse and faces a very long and slow convalescence. A protracted convalescence intensive in terms of nursing care and medication which a hard-pressed NHS will struggle to find the resources to provide. And you and I will be paying the bill for her egotistical, grandiose gesture towards the turd world.

Once again, Ms. Cafferkey, you are a very selfish, ignorant and publicity-craving media whore and it would have been better for our health service and the poor, long-suffering tax payers of this country that have to prop it up if you had never gone into nursing in the first place.

3 thoughts on “A Uniquely Selfish Bitch

  1. Reblogged this on Flying Tiger Comics and commented:
    Though common sense and previous best practice guidance on such epidemics demanded strict quarantine procedures be observed for the areas affected, Ms. Cafferkey and her similarly thoughtless colleagues flew out to Africa with tons of NHS medical supplies to administer to the sick and dying. In so doing, she and her fellow glory-seekers put the collective well being of all of us at grave risk. She and her associates could at least have had the decency to remain outside of the UK until it could be satisfactorily established that she wasn’t bringing any pathological organisms back with them; have undergone some tried and trusted quarantine process as established precedent and common sense dictate, but no. For some strange reason that wasn’t deemed necessary. The predictable outcome was that Cafferkey imported virulent African pathogens into the UK where they could very easily have sparked a wider epidemic here, with potentially catastrophic consequences for all of us who wanted nothing to do with this infernal business.


  2. The uncomfortable (to marxists and useful idiots) truth is that the single best thing advanced countries can do to totally eliminate ebola or any other similar potential pandemic is swiftly and if necessary brutally force regime change in the affected nations.

    No amount of charity (pronounced “charidee” under al-BBC guidelines) will assist the nations involved since welfare keeps people down, especially when the vast majority are uneducated, from a backwards evolutionary deadend culture and extremely predisposed towards violent behaviour.

    Because of those factors, exterior forces need to triage the region. Triage in this matter means military intervention to let peace and democracy break out after which education and nation building will inevitably follow.

    But of course we only do that in oil rich countries.


  3. Off topic again , sorry but FFS talktalk hacked again ! GCHQ and the NSA have stuff we’ve not dreamed of, specialists and the backing of states not to mention back doors in everything , they can turn your camera on, your microphone on, read your emails, know everything you do online but they can’t stop shit like this happening or catch the perpetrators, makes you wonder don’t it.


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